Since FDIM 2010 is in the history books, it is my pleasure to finally publicly release my entry into the FDIM 2010 QRP Challenge: The Clackamas 40 Meter Transceiver.
The rig is a VXO-tuned superhet that operates around 7.030 MHz. The heart of the design is the BF998 dual-gate MOSFET (which was popularized by W7ZOI on his website and in EMRFD). The BF998 is used as the front-end mixer and as a combination product detector/BFO. My new favorite AF amp, the TDA7052, is my choice for the single allowed IC. The VXO signal is mixed with a carrier oscillator in a JFET mixer, which is then bandpass filtered and fed to a BS170 power amplifier.
Please download my contest writeup for full details of the design. I’ll dissect the design in further detail in future posts.
Thank you Jason for allowing us to see the design. What you did with the BF998 is quite clever!
Not sure what I love more, your ideas and designs, or the documentation showing all of it! Definitely a Master of Both!!!
72’s/oo’s….Mikey, WB8ICN
Thanks Mikey, you are far too kind.
I have a 2yr old and in school full time to 22 credits this quarter … so i feel your pain.
Wish you didn’t close the comments though …