Homestead Update
I sit here in the very snowy Eola Hills of Yamhill County, Oregon watching the snow continuously pile up for the last 24 hours. I know that those of you who live in colder climes are probably laughing at me, but we’ve received about a foot of snow up here, which is a lot for Western Oregon, especially in February. We’re not used to dealing with this much snow, but I’ve prepared reasonably well, so we’re warm, cozy, and reasonably well-stocked for now.
Our modular home has been built but we are still awaiting delivery. Between the transporter getting sick when he was initially supposed to deliver it and now the bad weather, there’s no telling when it will actually be delivered. Hopefully within the next week or two. Once it’s here, we should be able to move in about a month after delivery, unless something else goes wrong.
A New Blog Appears
The main purpose of this post is to draw your attention to my latest endeavor, a new Substack publication. I’ll direct you to my first post over there for the details of what I’m doing and why:

To reiterate what I stated at the end of that post, if what I’ve written resonates with you, then please subscribe for free and share with your friends who may be interested. I no longer have a Twitter account that I can use to promote this, which perhaps was dumb on my part. But I still don’t regret getting off of social media for the benefit of my mental health. That’s why I’m hoping to gather a new community over on Substack. Something that’s much healthier. Not to mention that I’m looking forward to having a chance to reinvent a great Elmering opportunity. Go check it out and leave me a comment over there!