My apologies for being a bit neglectful of the blog. Since a few weeks before FDIM, I’ve been in a mad frenzy to get OpenBeacon kits into production, get the Etherkit website up and running, do a better job of completing OpenBeacon documentation, supporting the inevitable hiccups that come with a new product release, and start working on development of my next kit. Between that and taking care of two little boys during the day, I’m sure you can imagine that something has to give.
So I wanted to let my loyal blog readers know that the OpenBeacon QRSS/DFCW/Hell/CW transmitter kit is in full production and is available for you to order. Currently the kit is available on the 30 meter frequency of 10.140 MHz, but I am working on getting a batch of crystals ordered so that I can start to expand the band offerings. The slow-speed CW modes are an excellent way to experiment with propagation, and it’s a lot of fun to see how far a QRPp signal can go with these modes.
Thanks, hope to be able to give you more content soon!
GREAT looking Kit and looks like a nice build. Having a vary of crystals would be good as well.
Thanks Mike! I do intend to get custom crystals made for other frequencies, and hopefully will have some new bands in a few months.
How much of this was your own work, or merely the riffing of Hans Summers work? Not trying to denigrate your accomplishment- but the circuit similarity is striking to me!